FSMSSA Participates in Tax Education and Awareness Month

                                                                                                                                    Throughout the month of October 2018, three offices, including FSM Division of Customs and Tax, Pohnpei State Tax & Revenue, and FSM Social Security Administration were united in providing tax awareness to the public of Pohnpei State. The objective was to inform the public especially business owners and all about tax matters now and then. Each team presented their parts, how tax is collected and further shared the processes of how to file and the documents needed. It was a very informative educational awareness providing all the information the public lacks knowledge about. The awareness was conducted in municipalities around the island, and a number of people showed up at each places, which was a plus for them due to the clarification and very informative presentations there were. The unison of the three offices were a benefit to both the public and the offices themselves for they had the chance to attain ideas from the business people. It was worthwhile because the business world did need the information provided.