FSMSS Board, FSM Banking Board and FSM Insurance Board Collaborate for Public Forum

In the past, the FSM Social Security Board of Trustees had held public forums in the four states as a way to directly hear the public’s questions or concerns regarding the FSM Social Security Administration.

To coincide with its 3rd Regular Meeting of 2017, the board scheduled a public forum for the people of Kosrae on September 15 in the annex of the Kosrae State Legislature chambers. In an unprecedented move, the forum was held in collaboration between the FSM Social Security Board of Trustees, the FSM Banking Board and the FSM Insurance Board.

This allowed the citizens of Kosrae a chance to ask questions not just on social security but also on banking and insurance in the FSM.

The FSMSS Board of Trustees consisted of Chairman Jack Harris, Vice-chairman Vincent Tafileluw, Trustee Nakama Sana, Trustee Kohsak Keller and Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn serving as ex-officio member.

While the FSM Banking Board and FSM Insurance Board were legally two separate entities, the members were the same for both boards. The members were Chairman Alexander R. Narruhn, Lt. Governor Reed Oliver and Joe Habuchmai.

Before the floor was opened for questions from the audience, each of the three entities made a short presentation on general information for each entity and the challenges they faced. The FSM Social Security Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn, FSM Insurance Commissioner Jesse Giltamag and FSM Banking Commissioner Nakama Sana each made a presentation about their respective agencies.

While the turnout did not meet expectations due to other public events that occurred in Kosrae on the same day, the questions and concerns that were raised by the audience proved to be insightful and helpful. The representatives of the three entities were able to identify some of the issues that the citizens of Kosrae were facing with regards to social security, banking and insurance.

The audience was assured that their concerns were noted with the promise that the entities would dedicate their efforts to resolving those issues.